The firm has extensive experience in representing those injured through the negligence of others. We understand the physical pain and emotional suffering individuals experience following an accident and make ourselves available to our clients for their questions and concerns. While the majority of personal injury cases come from automobile accidents, motorcycle accidents, boating accidents or slip and fall accidents, we encourage anyone who has been injured through the fault of another to contact us to discuss the legal issues involved.


Our firm has a tremendous dedication to Domestic law and offers resources and experience which we are confident provide our clients unmatched service. While we are knowledgeable of the laws of Divorce, Custody, Visitation and Support, we also understand that the issues facing our clients may stem from the most traumatic events of their lives and require our compassion and willingness to listen as we seek to understand and advise. We also make clear to our clients that even though we are always anxious to remove the tension and animosity that often accompany these situations by amicably resolving issues where possible, we are also ready, willing and able to aggressively litigate issues which are unable to be settled. We refuse, however, to purposely place children in the center of these conflicts and seek to minimize the effect of these situations on the children involved.


From simple speeding tickets to serious offenses such as reckless driving, driving on a suspended driver’s license or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, Plumlee, Wooten & Overton, P.C. understands the consequences a conviction can have on a person’s insurance rates, privilege to drive and employment stability. The firm has extensive experience in these types of matters and works with clients to maximize the potential to avoid or reduce costly convictions.


Our firm has vast experience in the area of Criminal Defense for all types of charges in the Circuit, General District and Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Courts. We also know the tremendous impact a conviction may have on a person’s life. Understanding the stress and embarrassment a charge may cause a client enables us to provide competent, aggressive representation with a level of sensitivity as well. Most of our clients never imagined facing criminal prosecution, and a trusting, comfortable relationship with their attorney is critical to helping them through the stressful experience.


We assist hundreds of clients with their business needs by representing them in a wide variety of ways by forming simple LLC’s, closely held S corporations or more complex corporate structures. We help our clients understand what type of corporation is best for their particular needs and further assist our clients by drafting or reviewing Operating Agreements, Stock Purchase Agreements, Employment Contracts, Non-Compete Agreements, Franchise Agreements, Licensing Agreements and all other types of Corporate Documents. We also serve as Registered Agent for a large number of our corporate clients and assist them annually by maintaining their Corporate minute books and notifying them of the annual fees due to the State Corporation Commission.


Our firm has the knowledge and experience to assist our clients with the issues many of us don’t like to consider. Most individuals understand the importance of having a Will and know generally the prudence of Trusts for their children in the event of an untimely death of a parent, but the questions stemming from those basic ideas can be overwhelming: Who will serve as Executor of my estate; Who will care for my children once we pass; How can we insure the funds from our estate will be safe and go to our children; When will the funds from my estate be disbursed; Can I control the timing of the disbursements? We also discuss with our clients the importance of planning ahead with Powers of Attorney, Medical Powers of Attorney and Advance Medical Directives. Our goal is to provide you with a sound estate plan which affords you the confidence and security that your legacy has been secured and your children have been protected. In addition, if you recently lost a loved one and find yourself in charge of taking care of his or her estate, we can assist you through the estate administration process. Although probate can seem daunting, we can help guide you at each step, from the initial meeting with the Probate Clerk through filing the final accounting. We will work for you to make things as easy as possible during what can be a very difficult time in a person’s life.


Losing a family member is probably the most emotionally challenging and difficult time of a person’s life. When such a loss occurs as a result of another’s negligence, it becomestraumatic. Fighting a legal battle to receive rightfully due compensation is an added pressure the family does not need. Our firm represents those suffering from such a tragedy and aggressively helps them to receive compensation for things such as sorrow, mental anguish and solace; expected loss of income, services, protection, care and assistance; expenses for the care, treatment and hospitalization of the deceased; funeral expenses and in certain cases, punitive damages.

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